Prayer Ministries

“Because He bends down to listen I will pray as long as I have breath.”  Psalm 116:2

We have a Creator that wants to converse with us. Prayer is the privilege of talking to and hearing from Him. His promise is: “Whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith.”  Matthew 21:22

Prayer Ministry on the campus of Andrews University is committed to praising God, seeking God and serving God in prayer. Here's how you can be involved in Prayer Ministry:

Become a member or leader of a prayer team on campus. Contact us at
Write a prayer on the prayer wall in the Campus Center.
Send in a  prayer request. We would love to pray for you. Submit requests to
Watch for posts on special prayer events such as prayer walks and prayer rooms across campus.

“PRAY WITHOUT CEASING”  I Thessalonians 5:17